A downloadable game for Windows and Linux


Play as a giant, constantly evolving amoeba and fight off intensifying waves of humans trying to protect their cities. Craft new organelles and cores to respond to escalating threats. Can you destroy enough city gates to escape to the surface?

Post 7DRL patch (v4.0.0): Performance, QoL. Full changelog github.


 This game depends on .NET Desktop Runtime 5.0.*. Be sure to install it on your system.

Important Note for Linux Users

Make sure to install libgdplus with your package manager of choice, in addition to the .NET framework, to run the game.

How to Play

Arrow keys: Move
Space: Wait
A, D: Go to previous/next nucleus
Z: Organelle mode toggle
    Arrow keys (Organelle mode): Select organelle
X: Examine mode toggle
    Arrow keys (Examine mode): Move examine cursor
Destroy all city gates to win


Stuck? Try reviewing the following information:

  • When you move (not swap), you drag a path of organelles behind you. The highlighted slime shows which tiles will be dragged! This can be used to position organelles strategically and quickly.
  • To learn what something is, e[x]amine it.
  • Pressing space to pass a turn or luring enemies can break an otherwise impenetrable formation.
  • In the early game, it is easy to find new base organelles but hard to find crafting materials. This inverts as time goes on.
  • Find the right balance between combat, exploration, and organelle management for your play-style; all of these cost time and come with different risks and rewards.

Want an easier gamemode? Launch the program with the command line argument `--easy` for a tuned-down difficulty level.

Want an extra challenge instead? Launch the program with the command line argument `--gj` to activate GJ mode.

For those unfamiliar, to launch a program with a command line argument, just add the argument to the end of the line where you would launch the program from the terminal. For example, `AmoebaRL.exe --easy` to launch easy mode. On windows, this can be automated with shortcuts: Right click the executable, select "create shortcut", then right click the shortcut and add the argument to the end of the "Target" field, separated by a space.


Game by Vectis
Extensive playtesting, design, and support from JackNine
Further playtesting from Qu and Decinym
Engine: https://github.com/FaronBracy/RogueSharp, https://bitbucket.org/clarktravism/rlnet/src/master/RLNET/ (updated at https://github.com/Vectis99/rlnet)
Font: https://github.com/libtcod/libtcod/blob/develop/data/fonts/terminal12x12_gs_ro.png
.NET 5.0 by Microsoft

PlatformsWindows, Linux
Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
TagsSeven Day Roguelike Challenge, Roguelike, Top-Down, Turn-based


AmoebaRL_linux_v4.0.0.zip 1.9 MB
AmoebaRL_win_v4.0.0.zip 1.9 MB

Install instructions

This game depends on .NET Desktop Runtime 5.0.*. Be sure to install it on your system.

Important Note for Linux Users

Make sure to install libgdplus with your package manager of choice, in addition to the .NET framework, to run the game.

Development log


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If only the game window could be made larger for bigger screens.


I really like this! The upgradeable organelles with their various functions is like being a roaming base in an RTS game.

The enemies and combat are well designed to keep tactics varied. Engulfing enemies is very satisfying.

I only wish it were easier! But maybe I just need to keep playing.

Great job all around!

I love it :D

It is much faster than I figured reading the description. That's good. I grow fast and each cell can die fast. Each movement is a tactical choice.

I didn't play that much, but I didn't really grasp how to move the parts other than the nucleus.


One of my favorites of the 7DRL. Interesting, tactical gameplay in an interesting setting. I like the rapid growth and having to constantly deal with new threats / "monster" types. Looking forward to seeing this game develop even more. 😎👍